Lophophora Williamsii in flower  

The new home of Lophophora Williamsii
and its closest friends

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Growers Notes... New Species or Not??

Lophophora Williamsii
var. Cedral

Lophophora Williamsii var. Cedral, can be found outside of Cedral near Real de Catorce, in the state of San Luis Potosi Mexico, and is possibly one of the rarest Lophophora variation that can be found in the area to date due to its close proximity to Mexico city possibly making it more vulnerable to poachers. I have only potted one small tray of these and there wasn't as good a germination as I normally have. This could have been a trait of the variation but more likely a slight mistake of my own when planting... I've recently potted a new tray of this variety and germination was much better than the first. Hopefully the tray will do well and I will have some of these to offer my public. Plants from this area are considered to grow as single heads primarily and are of the southern form. It will still be a few months before I have personal verification as to whether it matches expectations as a self sterile plant or not.

It has also been reported by members of the Huitcholes tribe that plants have been gathered for ceremony from recognized places around Real de Catorce SLP since time immemorial. This report verifies that plants of the southern form of Lophophora Williamsii also build up an adequate amount of the called for alkaloid Mescaline for ceremonial purposes.

Lophophora Williamsii var. Cedral

Above: Lophophora Williamsii var. Cedral seedlings

email: dr_frank @ magicactus.com

Mailing address:
Frank Valente
56 Dewhurst Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario
M4J 3J3

© 2008, Frank Valente