Lophophora Williamsii in flower  

The new home of Lophophora Williamsii
and its closest friends

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Growers Notes... New Species or Not??

Lophophora Williamsii
var. Cuatrocienegas

Lophophora Williamsii var. Cuatrocienegas comes from the area outside the city of Cuatro Cienegas in the state of Coahuila Mexico. It is also of the northern variety of Lophophora meaning it is self pollinating. Interestingly the area this special variation comes from has the greatest number of endemic species of any place in North America and is only 270 kilometres SSE of Big Bend National Park where one of the most famous variety of Lophophora comes from (I presently have a tray of one thousand Lophophora Williamsii var. Big Bend on the go and am very excited to soon bring seedlings up for sale in the near future, as well as reporting my findings here among these pages). The Big Bend variation is said to be the hardiest of all Lophophora variations so being this close should make this variation of Cuatrocienegas an interesting plant to continue studies with.

So far, in the early stages of study of this variation Lophophora Williamsii var. Cuatrocienegas, the most interesting thing I have come to realize is the vibrance of the flowers color as can be seen in the second photo down below. It is most difficult at times to get a realistic color representation with point and shoot cameras but the image below worked out very well offering the viewer an excellent true representation of this variations magnificent colouration. The Cuatrocienegas flower is most definitely the brightest and prettiest I have seen as of yet within the Williamsii family of variations.

Lophophora Willilamsii var. Cuatrocienegas

Above: Lophophora Williamsii var. Cuatrocienegas seedlings

Lophophora Williamsii var. Cuatrocienegas flowering 21 month old

Above: Lophophora Williamsii var. Cuatrocienegas flowering 21 month old

Here below you will find members of Lophophora Williamsii var Cuatrocienegas at just under four years of age measuring 8.6 centimetres in diameter. The plants pictured are just beginning their final split into thirteen ribs and will soon be fully matured. they have proven to be very prolific sprouting many flowers as well as seed pods on their own. It is interesting to note that this variation does grow pups but a little differently than most variations. Pups seems to be sprouting from areolas found mid way up the plant rather than those at ground level which is actually typical of the northern variety... just a little more pronounced in height of sprouting on the plants which makes for a very interesting look. I am very curious to learn what fully grown specimens will look like in another year or two.

L.W. var Cuatrocienegas at 8.6cm

Above: Lophophora Williamsii var. Cuatrocienegas just under four years of age and 8.6 centimetres in diameter

email: dr_frank @ magicactus.com

Mailing address:
Frank Valente
56 Dewhurst Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario
M4J 3J3

© 2008, Frank Valente