Lophophora Williamsii in flower  

The new home of Lophophora Williamsii
and its closest friends

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  March 11, 2025
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MagiCactus.com is for sale.

Serious Enquiries only please.

Welcome to the home of Lophophora Williamsii and its closest friends, where you can buy fresh seed, healthy plants, and learn most of what you wanted to know about this beautiful little plant best known as Peyote.

The Links on the left will take you directly to your page of preference whether you are shopping for seeds, plants, or information. I have worked long and hard researching this plant, and there is a ton of redundant, misinterpreted and simply wrong information spreading all over about Lophophora Williamsii and its kin. What you will find here is my own compilation of material put together from everything I could find available. The information has all been cross referenced for best of accuracy, and combined with my own personal research from growing my own plants from seed.

new Check out our new affliate page for Magicactus on facebook where it might be easier to ask your questions and get ahold of me if the internet is creating web problems. Magicactus Facebook Page.

Note!! All plant & seed sales are limited to those with a Canadian address. Ever since Covid 19, the Canadian mail system has gotten much more strictly enforcing CITES agreements preventing packages from getting to where we might like them.

Plant pickup, is strictly by appointment only... anyone showing up at my door without an appointment is banned from sales!!

Seed Sales... I have listed about thirty different species of cactus seeds to my sales list which you can also check out in my section called Other Favorite Cacti, all of which come from my own personal cactus collection and are fresh harvest from this past fall. I have a limited supply of each because I have a limited number of plants.

American Friends... Unfortunately, difference's in the legal department prevent us from offering sales of plants or seeds to those with an American address. The laws keep changing so all others should be aware of what your own countries policies are before making an order.

Lophophora Williamsii


email: dr_frank @ magicactus.com

Mailing address:
Frank Valente
56 Dewhurst Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario
M4J 3J3

© 2008, Frank Valente



Seed Sales
L. Wiliamsii Seed Pods

Plant Sales
Lophophora Williamsii Plant Sales